Dave Amiana

Stable Diffusion From First Principles

An Overview of Generative Modeling Framework Generative models have been successfully used for computer vision tasks such as image super-resolution (Saharia et. al., 2021), text-to-image synthesis...

Design Principles of Data Structures Library

This article will cover the guiding principle for the design and implementation of our data structures library. Since we form our discussion around C++, most ideas we will talk about came from the ...

Understanding Abstract Data Types

This article introduces what we mean by Abstract Data Types (ADT) and its importance in developing our Data Structures Library. Abstraction is of the essence of a scalable software system. In desig...

Iterators: The link between Data Structures and Algorithms

This article will introduce the need for implementing iterators in writing a maintainable and flexible data structure. Before we start the series and actually implement data structures, it is impo...

Preface: Data Structures

Introduction: Mostly about my Experience I took this course during my sophomore year in Computer Science. I am in my Junior year and I’m currently hacking on languages which I plan to build a seri...

Weak References

In our last discussion, we talked about the semantics of sharing. We fleshed out the design goals of shared reference and met the minimum design requirements. Similarly, we do the same with our imp...

Shared References

In our previous discussion, we fleshed out the design requirements and took action into servicing them. In the same way, this article aims to flesh out the design requirement for shared reference. ...

Unique References

Our previous discussion explores the anatomy of pointer types in C and C++ on par with hinting nuances of reference semantics. We discussed the use cases of raw pointers and smart pointers in moder...

Pointers and References: Design Goals and Use Cases

At first, it seems that C++ makes things more complicated by introducing yet another layer of abstraction. References seem to encapsulate the same set of functionalities as pointers. Both of these ...

On Pointer Types

In this article, I aim to introduce the concept and motivation behind using pointers. There are breeds of C++ developers that only use smart pointers for safety reasons, others that only use raw po...